General FAQ & Support

The fastest way to contact is on, but if you have a question about your account specifically use the form below here and make sure that your email matches your user account.

Sure! You can buy credits 100 at a time, using either Stripe (credit card, debit card) or Dogecoin cryptocurrency!

You also have the option to subscribe to a plan which reloads your credits every month for a price (only stripe payment for that as of right now)

Not at this time. I'm using Google for 2 reasons.

1. its always online

2. It provides a much more secure login system, ex. This way I dont have to transmit or keep your passwords in my database. I might add some more services later on. If there is specific service you want added let me know.

Yes, all of your prompts get saved into your Gallery with the image you generated so you have access to all of your creations and prompts.

Absolutely! Just choose the free plan on the subscription popup. If you need help with this I completely understand. DM me your account email so I can verify your account. I do not recommend using email spoofers/hiders or I may not be able to verify your account. Mirrorize doesn't send any emails or marketing at all.

Using the credit system
  • 1 credit will allow you to generate 1 4K image
  • 2 credits will generate 30 seconds of audio, more will be needed for longer audio generations
  • I'm always adding new features and airdropping credits to heavy supporters of mirrorize
  • Currently there is no limit to how many images you can save! Save as many generations to your gallery as you wish.

    Your credits are shown under the Account heading under Credits. Once you run out of credits, you will be prompted to buy more if you try to generate without enough credits.

    Yes! Once generated, you can download the image. Also, your image or music will automatically be saved to your Gallery. If you want to remove them from your gallery you can do so later.

    Of course! Any attempt to use this service for illegal purposes will result in an account being permanently banned and reported to the respective authority.
    Contact Mirrorize AI